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My Journey With Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala

My name is Pamela, I have learnt meditation with Uttam during my Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh and it was an incredible experience.

His voice takes you to another dimension!
We learnt various different techniques including Yoga Nidra, Ajapa Japa, Antar Mouna, Shambo and more.
I have experienced through Uttam’s meditation some things I’ve never felt before and I am very Grateful to have had the chance to learn with him.

Yoga Nidra is an ancient known yogic practice, known as the Yogic Sleep, it put the body into a deep sleep stage but the mind remains awake.
It helps on reducing stress and gives a better sleep, In yoga nidra, we restore our body, senses, and mind to their natural function.
There is a feeling of no separation, wholeness…

I highly recommend anyone who comes to Rishikesh to meet Uttam and experience meditation classes with him.

Uttam is a beautiful soul. I feel blessed to have come




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