Bikram Yoga

Few Pros and Cons of Bikram Yoga

A lot of you must be quite familiar with the famous style of yoga known as ‘Bikram yoga’. To help you recall – it is a style of yoga that is practiced under hot and humid conditions where in the temperature of the room is keep somewhere between 37 degrees – 55 degrees and the humidity is maintained at 40%. This style of yoga happens within 90 minutes of time frame and, consists of 29 different yoga asanas coupled with two Pranayama exercises. Hot! Isn’t it?

A body experiences wilder activity when it is subjected to this sauna-like environment. However, with this heat-oriented energetic experience comes a set of woes which can be quite discomforting and need proper management.

Here are the most important pros and cons of Bikram yoga that you must know in order to prepare yourself for the new and upcoming hot yoga class:



One of the most interesting Bikram yoga benefits is the fact that it utilizes, as well as, inculcates amazing strength and endurance in a yogi’s body. An ideal Bikram yoga class requires constant effort and focus, as staying within the respective yoga pose under the heat can be quite challenging to accomplish.


The core essence of yoga is breath management while performing the various asanas. Due to the constant flow in Bikram yoga poses practiced under hot and humid conditions, a yogi learns how to control and regulate their breath in order to achieve the poses correctly. This requires focus and strength. Hence, mastering Bikram yoga style contributes greatly to a yogi’s ability to manage his breathing practice.


Practicing yoga in a heated room leads to a heftier degree of cardiovascular activity. The entire Bikram yoga session is constantly active which keeps the heart rate prevailing at all times. Hence, a person aiming to lose weight (especially, water weight) can benefit highly from a Bikram yoga class.


The most prominent benefit of Bikram yoga is its capability to make a person’s body continuously perspire so they can sweat out all the toxins and cleanse their body completely.


Healing is the next most vital aim of a Bikram yoga class.  The heat produced in a yogi’s body lubricates muscles and joints while the exercise continues to trigger these. Such activity works better than hot water massage equipment and instantly helps heal the soreness, or persistent aches in the practitioner’s body.



With extensive heat, a person’s body immediately begins to sweat. This persistent sweat (without a doubt) detoxifies your body. However, under its persisting effect the body loses a lot of electrolyte, magnesium and potassium which may lead the person to dehydrate and, possibly faint under its effect.

How to Manage: Hydration is the key. Place a water bottle ready by the corner of your yoga mat and keep consuming mini-sips from it on the go. If you continue to feel dizzy, seek a break and get some fresh air.

Handle the Heat:

It is possible that your body might not be able to adjust itself to the heat of a bikram yoga class. The symptoms of which include headache, arrhythmia, minimal sweat with high body temperature. Continuing practice while ignoring these signs may result in a heat stroke.

How to Manage: It is advised that you reach a Bikram Hot Yoga classes a few minutes early and let your body adjust to the heat before the session commences. If the body temperature still does not regulate itself and you continue to show these symptoms, then go for a cold shower immediately.

Persistent Nausea

Due to overexertion of the cardiac muscles coupled with the heat, you may experience symptoms of nausea, headache, asphyxiation, which can be physically overwhelming.

How to Manage: Stop the practice and let your body relax in shavasana or the corpse pose for some time. If you continue to feel the same, then step out to get some fresh air. Consumption of Vitamin C oriented beverage can also help you feel instantly better.

The ‘slippage’

Since the body sweats profusely while performing Bikram Yoga poses, some of the sweat can fall onto your yoga mat and making it really slippery. As the skin comes in regular contact with sweaty yoga mat, performing Bikram yoga poses perfectly can be quite challenging.

How to Manage: Keep a body length towel handy that you can spread underneath your body in order to absorb the sweat before it comes in contact with the mat.

A Bikram Hot Yoga class is quite challenging, yet fun at the same time. In order to reap maximum benefits from it, you are advised to remain focused throughout the session so you enjoy its profit and carefully manage its cons at the same time.  




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