
About Our Yoga School in Rishikesh

Rishikesh Yogis Yogashala is located in Rishikesh (India). The school provides 200hrs, 300 hrs and 500hrs yoga teacher courses from registered International Yoga Alliance in Rishikesh. We offer Yoga Alliance accredited Yoga Teacher Certification Rishikesh. Our Yoga school (Rishikesh) training is given on various traditional styles of yoga-like Emboided Meditative Vinyasa, Classical Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga and a wide variety of meditations.

We believe that yoga has no end and that just sharing from the surface is not a correct method of sharing the knowledge of yoga. Understanding the teachings of yoga need lots of purification not only physical but also mental and emotional. This is what you will find in our program where we focus on lots of purification practices. Once your different levels of the body are purified you can easily experience the connection between your bodies and mind that will make you more close to your pure self.

At Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala, we believe yoga is a life-style. It is not a technique or a mere practice; it is how one can lead their life towards its betterment. Our yoga retreats and yoga training sessions and yoga teacher certification Rishikesh lead you to immerse yourself into the yogic lifestyle while dwelling in an ashram style setting, alongside experienced and dedicated yogis. We have internationally acclaimed award winning world-class certified yoga trainers and teachers.

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Curriculum in Our Yoga School

Emboided Mediative Vinyasa

Learn and experience the science of embodied mediative vinyasa yoga accuracy amd authenticity for physical and spiritual upheavel with our yoga center in rishikesh.

Hatha Yoga

Enroll for hatha yoga training at Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala and learn the exercise the inner core to align your mind, body, spirit in a harmonious rhythm

Kundalini Yoga

Gain knowledge of Kundalini, the expansion of awareness, refinement and liberation of energy during Kundalini Yoga Program with us.


Learn about the inner connection between the body and the breath. Learn to control the prana (Life-Force) towards the internal and external upheaval during pranayama sessions.

The vision of our Yoga School in Rishikesh

Rishikesh is home to the most effective yoga schools worldwide. Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala is one of them. In our yoga center in rishikesh, we provide a range of courses, from beginners to extensive yoga training courses of 100 hour, 200 hour, and 300 hour and after completion of the courses we provide yoga teacher certification Rishikesh accredited internationally. Our yoga school in Rishikesh is known for their high-quality yoga course and their dedication to protecting the ancient yoga.

With skilled and extensive knowledgeable teachers and trainers, a supportive area, and the magnificent natural beauty of the Himalayas, studying yoga in our yoga school is a transformative experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

The Goal of Our Yoga School in Rishikesh

The goal of our yoga school is not only to teach various techniques, but to facilitate an environment where aspirants can unlock their spiritual potential and walk towards the path of self-awakening and mindfulness. Click here to learn more about our yoga training classes. We also feature customized yoga retreats for various groups of yogis.

We have specialized yoga retreats for all kinds of yogis – from a yoga amateur to an experienced yoga practitioner looking to expand their skills. Check out the various retreat options here.

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Uttam Ghosh

Yoga School Founder


Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala is a yoga organization founded by Uttam Ghosh in the year 2014. Born in Rishikesh, India the Yoga Capital of the World, his fascination for yoga developed in his early childhood when he experienced the ‘bhakti’ form of yoga with his grandfather. His strength is in guiding people into deeper techniques of meditation. His passion is to bring out ancient techniques of meditation to common man and help them integrate that into their daily life.

Uttam teaches a wide range of Transformational Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga in Rishikesh. He also conducts various workshops around the globe concerning meditation and yoga therapy.

After their many years of study and research on traditional yog and sadhana, he decided to share this knowledge with the world in its best authentic way.

Through hard work, dedication and experience, he was initiated into the Kundalini Yoga Path by Swami Vidyananda. Swami Ji also honoured him with a spiritual name as “Rishi Raj”.

His curiosity for yoga led him to explore and study the mystic life force of yoga. In his search for mystic life forces Uttam started his spiritual journey which led him to learn and practice Kundalini, Yantra, Mantra & Tantra Yoga. He studied Yoga at various prestigious Institutes obtaining various yoga teacher certification Rishikesh from Shree Ma Yoga International School and Teacher Training Certification from Ashtanga Yoga Mysore with an International Certification from Yoga Alliance USA and in an ERYT 500.

What People Say

paola andrea ampudia jimenez
paola andrea ampudia jimenez
Los maestros son excelentes y tienen mucho que compartir en cada clase, siempre están dispuestos a ayudarte y la gente que trabaja ahí es de muy buen corazón.
caroline sawyer
caroline sawyer
Outstanding program, with well integrated curriculum and caring teachers. My home country, the U.S., has plenty of what is called yoga. But now I see a real need for what Rishikesh Yogis/ Yoga Sadhana teaches: "Embodied Yoga." That insight provides me with a sense of direction forward, with recognition of what RYY teachers emphasized over and over: Self practice!
Sumiti Sharma
Sumiti Sharma
My experience at the Rishikeshyogis was immensely wonderful.All the teachers are so diligent and cooperative , they put in all their efforts to make the students fall in love with YOGA 😊. The technique, methodology and the manner in which yoga and pranayama is taught here is incredible!!! Even the kitchen and cleanliness staff greets you with a smile ! So All those planning to take up a TTC , being a student at the Rishikeshyogis and Yogasadhana is highly recommended.
Leok Wan
Leok Wan
well structured course with excellent and helpful teachers. had a wonderful experience there. thank you
Prachi S
Prachi S
I did the 200 hour teacher training in Rishikesh back in October and I went in not knowing what to expect. I was blown away by the knowledge of our teachers and knew I had chosen the right school. I learnt a lot in the span of a month and will forever be grateful for this experience and my teachers. If you're considering going then do it, there's nothing to lose and maybe something to gain :) Thank you Rishikesh Yogis
Ich bin sehr dankbar für die Erfahrung. Die Lehrer sind sehr erfahren, professionell, herzlich und kreativ. Die Schule ist sehr gut strukturiert. Es ist unglaublich, wie viel man innerhalb 3 Wochen lernt. Das Essen war sehr lecker und möchte mich bei den Köchen bedanken. Zusätzlich muss ich als alleine reisende Frau sagen, dass Indien sehr sicher ist. Man fühlt sich in Rishikesh sehr wohl und sicher. Ins Gesamt hat die Schule meine Erwartungen mehr als erfüllt und Ich kann die Schule sehr empfehlen. 🙏
Letizia Maria Bincoletto
Letizia Maria Bincoletto
Just finished the 200 hours TTC and it’s been an experience I would really recommend to everyone, even if you’ve been in the yoga world for little time! Amazing teachers, earnest and with experience of a life time, that will guide you into what it’s really YOGA.Great organisation and excellent food. Definitely will come again to learn more and to live another amazing experience!
I had such a profound and deeply transformative experience during my training at Rishikesh yogis. The teachers are amazing and held space for each of us to learn and grow both individually and as a group. I arrived with much anxiety and left with so many new skills, insight and friendships which was more than I could have ever expected. It was a very healing journey for myself personally and the wisdom imparted to me by the teachers has given me a whole new perspective on yoga and I will carry it in my heart and continue to practice and grow with this knowledge each day. I am forever grateful for this experience and would recommend it to anyone wishing to begin or further their journey down the path of yoga whether personally or professionally as a teacher. Thankyou to all the amazing teachers, this training is truly a gift 🙏 namaste
Akshaya Krishnan
Akshaya Krishnan
I did my 200Hr YTT at Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala in Aug 2022. It was an absolutely incredible 28 days! I highly recommend them if you're looking to experience yoga in its truest and fullest form. The teachers bring authenticity and hold space for you to immerse yourself deep into the subjects. There is a strong focus on bringing mind-body-spirit harmony through yoga philosophy, embodied practice of yoga asanas, in-depth study of anatomy and how it applies to yoga asanas, mantra chanting, pranayama and meditation.
Aminata Diallo
Aminata Diallo
I just finished my 200h online yoga teacher training and I can honestly say that I had a good experience, the teachers are really attentive and dedicated, the content of the course is leaning towards anatomy which will prevent you from yoga injuries. Plus you get access to all the recorded classes for a lifetime, so you can go back to the philosophy or the pranayama whenever your heart calls for it. This is your sign to enroll 🕺🏿🧚🏾🪷🫶🏿
Caroline Sawyer
Feeling blessed to have found me way to this Yoga Teacher Training course Outstanding program with caring teachers and a rich, diverse, and well integrated curriculum. Coming from yoga classes in the Inited States, I had only a vague sense of the potential beyond exercise. At Rishikesh Yogis/ Yogasadhana, teachers helped me see how Yoga opens onto oceans- or more aptly, a mighty river- of ancient wisdom that the world badly needs today.
Leok Wan
A holistic yoga experience Had a wonderful experience. The course is very well structured and the teachers are excellent and helpful.
200 Hours TTC I am really happy that I started my quest to understand myself at our shala (Rishikesh Yogis)! I went through a wonderful experience of learning yoga, getting to know myself, regulating my emotions, and, most importantly, unlearning things.Philosophy with Parveen Sir was such a journey! Every single word in the class has depth in it. I used to eagerly wait for Bhajan by Sir and Naman. Bhajan had such a profound effect on me that I am at a loss for words. The yoga and philosophy sessions I took from Parveen Sir definitely changed my perspective. I am grateful to Ritesh and Raj for their efforts to help us to understand everything about planes and alignments in such a short span! Uttam's meditation class is all you need to end your day! He plays the role of catalyst in students' life. He is always encouraging students to perform at their highest level.Overall, it was an eye-opening journey for me. I would definitely recommend this Yoga shala for 200 hours TTC.
Beautiful & rewarding! From the get go, you are started on a host of different subjects, practices and experiences that help you explore different aspects of your being. The teachers at the school have put together a very holistic and deeply thought out course structure blending asanas with a philosophy that you can adopt in your practise and your daily life. Added to this, is the endless support and willingness by teachers and practitioners around you to help you on the path you choose for yourself. The journey for me was very rewarding, and though it might not be the same version of rewarding for you, you can be sure to take away something meaningful. The YTTC at RYY is an experience that you will cherish for a long time to come.
200 Hours TTC Just finished the 200 hours TTC and it’s been an experience I would really recommend to everyone, even if you’ve been in the yoga world for little time!Amazing teachers, earnest and with experience of a life time, that will guide you into what it’s really YOGA.Great organisation and excellent food. Definitely will come again to learn more and to live another amazing experience!
200 Hours TTC I had a great experience with Rishikesh Yogis during my 200 Hours TTC. I learned a lot from all the amazing teachers. The entire course was so much informative and I am taking a lot with me after completion of course. Thank you Rishikesh Yogis.
Monica Kapur
Experience of Yoga TTC I just completed my 200 hours Yoga TTC from Rishikesh yogis. I learnt deeper knowledge of yogic philosophy and teaching methodology.I recommend this yogshala to anyone who wants to learn about yoga , yog sutras and about the body alignment.Allteachers are very good and helpful.It was an wonderful experience for me .
An amazing healing and transformative experience I had such a profound and deeply transformative experience during my training at Rishikesh yogis. The teachers are amazing and held space for each of us to learn and grow both individually and as a group. I arrived with much anxiety and left with so many new skills, insight and friendships which was more than I could have ever expected. It was a very healing journey for myself personally and the wisdom imparted to me by the teachers has given me a whole new perspective on yoga and I will carry it in my heart and continue to practice and grow with this knowledge each day. I am forever grateful for this experience and would recommend it to anyone wishing to begin or further their journey down the path of yoga whether personally or professionally as a teacher. Thankyou to all the amazing teachers, this training is truly a gift 🙏
Clara M
Beautiful teaching I feel so grateful and blessed that i could join this 200h class. The teaching is really at the level i was expected, with care, excellency ! I could not expect better than this class ! Guruji Parveen Nair is an exceptional personality, his work is really amazing, spiritual, precise, aware... I feel than i have feed deeply ! The others teachers are also fully dedicate and burning to share. The journey was really amazing ! On an other level, the food and the accommodations were also nice. The cook gave us every day different food and healthy and it is really appreciated when you are in this process.What to say more ? GO FOR IT if you are looking to involve yourself in yoga !



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