Ritesh Bhatt

Ritesh Bhatt
Yoga Anatomy & Adjustment Alignment
Ritesh Bhatt is a Yoga Teacher from the lap of mountains born in Rishikesh , Uttarakhand (also known as the world capital of yoga). His journey in yoga started with Sivananda Saraswati ashram in Rishikesh. Later he got trained under the tutelage of his guru, Acharya Shri Parveen Nair.
Understanding the body and its movement is the essence of his teaching. Ritesh taught yoga in various studios, hotels, and companies. He has also run his own studio in Rishikesh where he shared his perception of yoga. Fascinated by the subject, he has developed a unique teaching methodology that makes his classes fun. His initial steps on his spiritual journey took him to many places to learn about the different cultures of the world.